Üröm-Csókavár's karst mine cavern decontamination from gas cleaning mass contaminated with hazardous waste
Basic Data:
Client: Közép-Duna-völgyi Vízügyi Igazgatóság
Contractor: GT-2008 Consortium
Construction budget: 18 461 538 EUR + VAT
Project duration: 2008.06.24./2010.12.31.
Project brief:
Extraction, transport, and utilization of gas cleaning mass deposited in the Üröm-Csókavár limestone quarry, restoration of natural vegetation.
The project involved the extraction, transport, and material recycling of 56,294.7 tons of hazardous waste. The cleanup of the mine was designed to protect the North Buda karst catchment area. The limestone quarry is a nature reserve of local importance.
The project also included the cleaning and restoration of highly protected (ex lege) cavern.
EUROUT Ltd. main tasks:
Setting up and running the unit, performing its full range of tasks, creating the necessary infrastructure. Risk management. Financial audit. Liaising with an intermediary organization. Quality assurance, communication supervision. Financial management. Engineering, legal, and public tendering advice. Preparation of the tender documents (PR, FIDIC Engineer, contractor’s contract) for the project “Üröm-Csókavár gáztisztító massza veszélyes hulladékkal szennyezett bányaüregek mentesítése” (Decontamination of the mine caverns contaminated with hazardous waste from the Üröm-Csókavár gas cleaning mass). The project has been carried out with an English-language tender account.