Sewage network in the Tápió region

Basic Data: 

Client: Tápió Region Development Association (Tápiómenti Területfejlesztési Társulás)

Contractor: A-HÍD Zrt., Colas Alterra Zrt., Duna Aszfalt Ltd., EuroAszfalt Ltd., Inwatech Ltd., Mészáros és Mészáros Ltd., Penta Ltd., STRABAG, SWIETELSKY Mo. Ltd.

Construction budget: 28 000 000 000 HUF

Project duration: 2012.05.08. – 2015.05.15.


Project brief:

By realizing the project in 20 settlements, the sewage disposal and treatment tasks of one of the most underdeveloped areas of Hungary in terms of wastewater treatment, the municipalities along the Tápió region, were solved.


The project involves 2 towns (Nagykáta, Tápiószele) and 18 municipalities (Bénye, Farmos, Jászfelsőszentgyörgy, Káva, Kóka, Mende, Pánd, Sülysáp, Szentlőrinckáta, Szentmártonkáta, Tápióbicske, Tápiógyörgye, Tápióság, Tápiószecső, Tápiószentmárton, Tóalmás, Újszilvás, Úri) where the sewage disposal and treatment realized.


In addition to the sewerage networks, an existing wastewater treatment plant was expanded, four new cutting-edge wastewater treatment plants and a new composting plant was built to receive and recycle dewatered sludge from the entire region.


The project included the construction of 825.5 km of sewer lines (gravity and pressurized conduits and house connections) and 106 regional pump station as part of the sewerage network. The project has connected some 29 802 new households to the sewerage network.


The new treatment plants will treat sewage from the agglomerations with a total capacity of 8 200 m3/day, while the existing treatment plant in Nagykáta capacity has been extended to 1 600 m3/day.


The main composting plant will receive and treat the nearly 20 m3/day of sludge generated in the five agglomerations using a biologically controlled technology.


EUROUT Ltd. main tasks:

Providing engineering and technical supervision to coordinate the construction works of the Project, supervising the procurement and technical design services for the Project, as provided for in the contracts for the implementation.